Discover Russia with AMAKS — Voronezh
Воронеж – это не только столица Черноземья, но и колыбель российского флота. На рубеже XVII-XVIII веков здесь, по указу Петра I, была заложена первая судостроительная верфь России, что положило начало развитию отечественного флота. Память об этом хранит множество достопримечательностей: памятники, музеи, исторические объекты, связанные с морским наследием города.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Воронеже
River rafting
Rafting on the river is a great way to relax in nature. Everything necessary for the trip can be loaded into a kayak, which makes the rafting comfortable. Rafting on the Usmanka River in the Voronezh region is ideal for beginners. The river begins near the town of Usman in the Lipetsk region, makes a loop and flows into the Voronezh River near the town of Ramon. Its width ranges from 2 to 10 meters, and the picturesque shores with a variety of vegetation add color to the journey. Along the route there are camp sites, beaches and shoals for stops and recreation.Walking and trekking routes
Hiking can surpass many sports in terms of health benefits: moderate exercise, fresh air and beautiful landscapes heal the body and soul. They are suitable for people with any level of training: the main thing is to go outside! We invite our guests to explore one of the four routes: - The Trail of Power is a 2 km long eco-path with art objects at the White Well. - Mountain trail - 15 km along the Voronezh Ecological Trail through the reserve. - Chertovitskaya trail - 10.3 km from the beach in Chertovitsy. - Usman trail - 14 km through the Usmansky forest and the Usman River.Castle of the Princess of Oldenburg
The castle of the Princess of Oldenburg is located in the village of Ramon, a 40-minute drive from Voronezh. The castle is a rare example of brick Gothic Revival and Western European architecture, built in the Old English style in 1879. The architectural and landscape ensemble of the estate consists of six buildings surrounded by a beautiful park. The area of the entire territory is 7 hectares. The architectural monument has the status of a cultural heritage site. Address: Voronezh region, Ramon work settlement, Mosina Street, 21Admiralty Square and the Goto Predestination Ship Museum
In 1996, Admiralty Square was inaugurated in Voronezh to mark the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy. This picturesque square is located on the shore of the reservoir, on the site of the old shipyards of Peter the Great. The townspeople love this place for the opportunity not only to walk, but also to go boating. The Goto Predestination museum ship is moored here, a replica of the battleship built under the leadership of Peter the Great in 1700, on which the St. Andrew's flag was raised for the first time. Today, the museum "The History of the creation of the Russian Fleet" is located inside. Address: Voronezh, Admiralteiskaya SquareAnnunciation Cathedral
One of the symbols of Voronezh has become the Annunciation Cathedral, erected in memory of the Church of the Annunciation of the XVI-XVII centuries. The historical temple was rebuilt in stone in the 18th century, but was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The new cathedral was built from 1998 to 2009 and became the third largest in Russia, accommodating up to 6,000 people. Its architecture combines a cruciform shape, a tall bell tower and domes, reflecting Russian-Byzantine traditions. The interior of the cathedral impresses with the richness of decoration. Address: Voronezh, ave. Revolution, 14th centuryГде остановиться в Воронеже
Гостинично-развлекательный комплекс располагается в лесопарковой зоне рядом с федеральной автомобильной дорогой М4 «Дон», что обеспечивает удобную транспортную развязку. На территории имеется вместительная охраняемая автопарковка.Комфортабельные номера
Ресторан и лобби-бар
Боулинг и бильярд
Можно с питомцами
Местная кухня
Местная кухня Воронежской области отражает богатство сельскохозяйственных традиций региона. Основу составляют блюда из свежих продуктов: мясо, овощи, грибы, ягоды и молочные изделия. Популярные блюда включают борщ, щи, кулеш, пельмени и вареники. Воронежские хозяйки славятся своими пирогами и булочками, изготавливаемыми по старинным рецептам. Особенное место занимают блюда из рыбы, так как в области много рек и озёр. На десерт часто подают ягоды и фрукты, либо выпечку с творогом и ягодами. Местная кухня Воронежской области — это настоящий праздник вкуса и наследие российских кулинарных традиций, которое передаётся из поколения в поколение, сохраняя свою самобытность и уникальность.Экскурсионные программы
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