Discover Russia with AMAKS — Vladimir

Владимир - один из древнейших российских городов, основанный в 990 году. Входит в туристический маршрут "Золотое кольцо России". В этом регионе сохранились многие исторические памятники, связанные с Древней Русью. Проникнуться историей и ощутить дух времени сквозь века можно, прикоснувшись к древним памятникам Владимира, три из которых включены ЮНЕСКО в список Всемирного наследия человечества.

Что посмотреть и чем заняться во Владимире

River rafting

There are many rivers in the Vladimir region, winding through meadows and pine forests - a great opportunity for rafting enthusiasts to choose an interesting and adequate route.
The "Small Journey along the Meshchera" route, which runs along the Sudogda River, is very popular. Sudogda is one of the cleanest rivers in the region.
No less interesting is the route along the Nerl River along the ancient waterway. The river is familiar to many tourists from different countries thanks to the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. This route is incredibly scenic. As well as the route along the fast and winding Kirzhach river.

Walking and trekking routes

Vladimir is a city of rich history and great architectural heritage. The most popular hiking route runs through the city center. It stretches for 2.5 kilometers through a dozen notable places of the city to the Vladimir tourist "Mecca" - the Golden Gate.
The Vladimir region is rich in natural beauty: for nature walks there is an ecotrope and a health trail in the Zagorodny forest Park, and for hiking enthusiasts there are simple trekking routes to places such as lakes of the Davydovskaya floodplain, Mokeevsky Kurgan, Bogolyubovsky Meadow, Meshchera National Park.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is a 12th-century white stone church, which is an example of Old Russian architecture and architecture of the Vladimir-Suzdal school. It is located on Bogolyubovsky Meadow, 10 km from Vladimir and is considered one of the most beautiful temples in Russia. The temple is included in the UNESCO Register of World Monuments, which underlines its cultural and historical value.
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl should be on the list of stops for anyone planning to visit Vladimir. This place is full of history, beauty and energy that will make you stop and feel its full power.

The dilapidated city

The dilapidated or Dilapidated city is located away from the center, between the rivers Klyazma and Lybed. Some historians claim that the name of this part of the city can be interpreted as the Old Town, which proves that Vladimir was founded here. The version is controversial, but all historians agree that this area of the city was originally inhabited by the poor. It was only since the 19th century that merchant families began to live in the area.
There are still remnants of earthen ramparts around the perimeter of the historic quarter. This mysterious place allows you to feel the connection of times.

Cathedral Square

Cathedral Square is the heart of Vladimir. The name of the square was given by two cathedrals - Uspensky and Dmitrovsky.
Assumption Cathedral is a magnificent temple of the 12th century. The cathedral is recognized as a monument of world significance: the Grand dukes of Vladimir and Moscow were crowned in it. Today it is a church where services are held and a museum is open.  
Dmitrov Cathedral, also built in the 12th century. The cathedral is notable for its Byzantine architecture and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Other objects of the square are monuments and buildings built in the 19th and 20th centuries, decorating the appearance of the city.

Где остановиться во Владимире

АМАКС «Золотое кольцо» - один из крупнейших и современных гостинично-развлекательных комплексов Владимира. Пятнадцатиэтажное здание отеля располагается недалеко от центра города и привлекает как бизнес-путешественников, так и туристов.

АМАКС «Золотое Кольцо»

Комфортабельные номера
Выгодные тарифы
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан и лобби-бар
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск

Местная кухня

Кухня Владимирской области представляет собой уникальное сочетание традиций и вкусов — это вариации на тему традиционных русских блюд. Например, пирожки здесь пекут с рыбной начинкой. А владимирская тюря — разновидность окрошки, куда помимо кваса кладут вареную картошку, квашеную капусту, хрен и огурцы. Также во Владимире готовят щучьи котлеты по старинным рецептам и сбитень — напиток на основе меда и пряностей. И, конечно же, вареники. Их делают с картошкой, творогом или вишней. Вообще вишня — это гастрономический символ Владимира. По преданию ее завез в эти земли Андрей Боголюбский. Кухня Владимирской области предлагает широкий выбор блюд, которые отражают богатую историю и культуру региона.

Экскурсионные программы

Хотите ближе познакомиться с историей и культурой Владимира, посетить Суздаль или увидеть Храм Покрова на Нерли? Мы собрали для вас классные экскурсии! Подробности на нашем сайте или у администратора на ресепшн.

Vladimir Walking Tour
Bus tour to Suzdal
Bus tour to Suzdal and Bogolyubovo
Vladimir and Bogolyubovo Bus Tour
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