Discover Russia with AMAKS — Valdai

Цепь хрустально-прозрачных Валдайских озер стоит в обрамлении густого соснового леса. Вода в озерах такая прозрачная, что как на ладони видно дно, а по берегам растут краснокнижные белые лилии, желтые кувшинки, и плавают в заводях величественные лебеди. Вода здесь ледяная даже в летний зной, ведь озера подпитываются тысячами ключей. Как раз на берегу такого озера стоит небольшой городок - Валдай.

Что посмотреть и чем заняться на Валдае

Iversky Monastery

The Valdai Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery is an Orthodox monastery on the Selvitsky Island of Lake Valdai, 10 km from the city of Valdai. One of the three monasteries built on the initiative of Patriarch Nikon.
In 1991, the monastery, which was in disrepair, was returned to the Novgorod Diocese and its painstaking restoration began. Today, the monastery impresses guests with its beauty and decoration, and unique icons and other Orthodox relics, looted during the Great Patriotic War, have been returned to the cathedral.

Bell Museum

Valdai bells are the same symbol of the region as, say, samovars in Tula. Bell casting became widespread here, as the bells were in great demand among the coachmen on the Petersburg-Moscow highway.
The museum is located in the Church of the Great Martyr Catherine. It contains bells from different parts of the world, used in various professions and crafts, cast in the 16th century and relatively modern.
And if this exhibition doesn't seem enough to you, then the Museum Bell Center is located nearby, where the collection of bells is even more extensive!

The Holy spring of "Tekunok"

The Valdai land is full of springs and springs that feed lakes and rivers. Since ancient times, places where water breaks through from the ground were considered places of power, endowed with healing properties and especially revered.
The spring of Tekunok near the village of Supper, illuminated in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, was considered a deliverer from bodily ailments and an assistant in solving spiritual adversities. During the Soviet years, an attempt was made to wipe the source off the face of the earth: they covered it with earth, plowed the riverbed with a tractor and sawed down the tree with the icon.
In 2006, the spring itself was restored, as well as the chapel and font.

Kayaking and sapsurfing

AMAKS "Valdai Dawns" got its name for a reason: the hotel complex stands on the shores of crystal-clear Lake Valdai. In 2021, the hotel opened a kayak base on its territory and throughout the summer guests can take part in kayak routes on the lake, rent a boat or a boat. All "water" activities are suitable even for beginners, because a professional instructor and a prize-winner of All-Russian competitions and rafting works with the guests. In the spring of 2024, the kayak base will be replenished with wakeboards and wind foils - the most fashionable novelties of water and wind sports!

Valdai National Park

Several equipped ecotropes in the National Park begin not far from the AMAKS Valdai Dawns Hotel. One of the most popular and simplest is the Forest Secrets Trail, a circular walking route with a length of just under 2 km. On the trail, you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of taiga forests and swamps, listen to the songs of streams, enjoy juicy blueberries in season, and finally refresh yourself at the Sokolovskie Klyuchi ice spring.
And to enjoy nature and the views of the park from the water, our hotel offers you several unique kayak routes on the lake.

The Great Valdai Trail

The Bolshaya Valdai Trail is a multi-day hiking route for those who want to reach the protected areas of the National Park. Tourists will see here all the variety of Russian landscapes: the spruce-mossy forest replaces the broad-leaved forest, then there is a forest and rivers with beaver dams, blue lakes and various marshes are found on the marshrtu.
The 59 km long route is well equipped throughout: interactive stands and QR codes with additional information make the route even more interesting, and equipped parking lots with decking and dining areas are more comfortable.

Где остановиться на Валдае

В самом сердце Валдайского Национального парка, на берегу хрустально-чистого озера Валдайское расположился небольшой, но очень уютный отель. Зеленая территория, прокат лодок, каяков и сап-бордов, беседки с мангалами и головокружительно прекрасные рассветы – все это в АМАКС «Валдайские Зори».

АМАКС «Валдайские Зори»

Вид на озеро
Каяки и САП-борды
Можно с питомцами

Местная кухня

В меню местной кухни в отеле «Валдайские Зори» - блюда из озерной рыбы – судака и щуки, знаменитые «серые» суточные щи из крошева, курник с капустой, а еще – ароматный сбитень из местных лесных ягод. Самое же интересное в валдайской кухне - именно Валдай считается родиной баранок.
Молва о них шла далеко за пределы города, а каждый проезжающий из Москвы в новую столицу - Петербург считал необходимым заглянуть в городок за баранками.
А все потому, что вместе с баранкой полагался поцелуй румяной продавщицы. Но был нюанс: целовали девицы через дырочку в баранке, то есть, в большинстве случаев, даже не прикасаясь к покупателю. Но какой маркетинг! Даже Пушкин о валдайских баранках в стихах писал.

Меню местной кухни

Экскурсионные программы

Хотите посетить Иверский монастырь, больше узнать об истории города или совершить прогулку вглубь Национального парка? Мы собрали для вас классные экскурсии! Обращайтесь на ресепшн отеля и администратор подскажет вам, как забронировать экскурсию.

Sokolovskaya Ecological Trail
Bobrovaya Ecological Trail
Forest Secrets Ecological Trail
Ivanyi Pereleski Ecological Trail
Walking tour "The streets of the city tell....." (exploring the past and present of the city of Valdai)
"Valdai springs"
"Mshenskiye rodniki"
Valdai Iversky Svyatoozersky Monastery
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