Discover Russia with AMAKS — Ryazan

Рязань – это уютный город, расположенный в центре России. Он был основан в далеком 1095 году и с тех пор стал одним из самых исторически значимых городов России. Помимого этого Рязань является родиной многих великих умов России, таких как Циолковский, Павлов, Есенин, Семенов-Тян-Шанский... Сегодня Рязань представляет собой современный город с множеством возможностей для жизни и отдыха.

Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Рязани

Ryazan Kremlin

The history of the city dates back to the founding of the Ryazan Kremlin. Founded as a guard outpost, in the 13th century the city became the center of the Ryazan Principality. The Kremlin is a real pearl of the Ryazan region, it is one of the few kremlins in Russia that have survived to this day.
Today it is a real open-air museum. Inside the fortress walls, you can see many ancient temples, towers, ramparts, chambers and a palace. Walking through its territory, you will be able to feel the spirit of antiquity and literally touch the historical heritage of Ryazan.

Pedestrian Postal Street

A real urban art space that combines culture, history and modern trends. Almost every house on Pochtovaya Street has its own special story. And in general, it's nice to stroll among the beautiful buildings, enjoy street music, visit cafes and shops.
Pochtovaya Street is often called Ryazan Arbat, because here you can see many interesting sculptures, listen to street musicians, and be inspired by the works of local craftsmen. In addition, it is one of the oldest streets in the city, which has preserved its historical appearance.

The House of Sanitary Education

If you are a lover of wooden architecture, you should definitely see this modest but truly authentic object. The wooden camp, built in 1929, is not a popular tourist destination. The building is difficult to see from the street, as it is hidden under an arch. However, your quest will be rewarded. The incredibly colorful tower seems to transport you back to the days of merchant Ryazan.
Today, a physical therapy dispensary is located in the House of Sanitary Education in Ryazan. The building is inextricably linked with the history of the city.

Yesenin Museum-Reserve in the village of Konstantinovo

The village of Kontsantinovo, the birthplace of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, lies picturesquely on the high bank of the Oka River. Today it is a museum-reserve where you can experience the atmosphere that inspired the poet to create his famous poems.
Here you can stroll through the narrow streets, see the village huts, admire the magnificent panorama and visit Yesenin's native home, where he spent the first years of his life. The museum has an exhibition dedicated to the poet's life and work.
The museum often hosts various cultural events and festivals.


The Paustovsky Trail eco-route is very popular among tourists. It is no coincidence that the trail is named after the Soviet writer Paustovsky. The famous writer came to Ryazan Meshchera in 1930 and settled in the village of Solotcha. He loved to walk around his neighborhood, which gave him peace of mind and inspiration. Impressed by these places, Paustovsky wrote a series of "Meshchersk stories", which reflected his sincere love for Meshchera, her beauty and unsophisticated way of life.
A total of 8 routes ranging from 6.2 to 50.4 km are available to tourists.


Kayaking on the Pre River is considered a popular type of outdoor activity in Ryazan.
The great-mysterious protected river, which flows through the remote Meshchersk forests, is difficult to access and all the more attractive. To maintain the unique ecosystem of these places, the Meshchersky National Park has been created.
Every Soviet tourist considered it his duty to go kayaking along the River, and this is not surprising, because the nature of these places is incredibly picturesque. Slender pine forests are interspersed with oak groves, which provide shelter not only to numerous flora and fauna, but also to tourists.

Где остановиться в Рязани

АМАКС Конгресс-отель - первый сетевой отель в Рязани, расположенный в самом центре города вблизи от вокзалов и ключевых деловых объектов города, и в 2,7 км от Жемчужины Рязани - Историко-архитектурного музея Рязанский Кремль.

АМАКС Конгресс-отель

Современные номера
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан и лобби-бар
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск

Местная кухня

Традиционные рязанские блюда были похожи на блюда соседних губерний, но были в местной кухне и свои особенности. В почете были блюда из муки и круп: каравайцы (тонкие промасленные блинчики), чибрики (жаренные во фритюре пончикообразные лепешки из дрожжевого теста), Рязанский блинчатый пирог, сыроеги – шарики из распаренного пшена, драчёна – запеканка из молока, яиц, крупы или картофеля. Рязанщина также славилась рыбными и грибными местами, поэтому главное место на столе отводилось именно этим продуктам. Ресторан «Есенин», сохраняя традиции локальной кухни, предлагает своим гостям попробовать такие исконно рязанские блюда, как двойная уха, рубленцы из щуки или окский судак с белыми грибами.

Меню местной кухни

Экскурсионные программы

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Museum of the History of Ryazan Chocolate
Aquanarium Fish Exhibition
Museum of the History of Ryazan Lollipop
Ryazan City Tour
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