Discover Russia from AMAKS — Rostov-on-Don
Ростов-на-Дону – крупный город на юге России, расположенный на берегу реки Дон. Город славится своей богатой историей, культурой и зелеными зонами, которые являются местом отдыха и развлечений для жителей и гостей города. В Ростове всегда царит уютная и гостеприимная атмосфера, здесь можно насладиться вкусной кухней, найти уникальные подарки и сувениры.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Ростове-на-Дону
The embankment of the Don
It is here that all residents of Rostov gather to celebrate another holiday. There is always a joyful atmosphere here, the alleys are full of people and it is easy to find entertainment for every taste. The main attractions of the Don embankment are numerous monuments depicting national heroes. When the embankment has been explored inside and out, then feel free to go to the nearest pier and go admire Rostov-on-Don from aboard a pleasure boat.Visit the embankment and feel the relaxed and carefree atmosphere of the Don.
Park named after Gorky and Cathedral Lane
Cathedral Lane, almost 3 km long, runs through the city center and bisects the park. Gorky. In good weather, this is the perfect walking route! Cathedral Lane has been traced on city maps since 1811. Initially, it was called Donskoy Descent, but after the construction of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, the name was changed. There are many 19th- and early 20th-century mansions here, so a walk will immerse you in the historical atmosphere of the city. The fountains and sculptures of Gorky Park, surrounded by greenery, will complement the experience.There are also numerous cafes at your service.
Theater Square and the park named after The October Revolution
One of the most beloved parks of Rostov residents is located behind the Gorky Drama Theater. Magnificent alleys are laid out here, playgrounds and sports grounds are equipped, there is a cafe, and black and white black-necked swans, flamingos, crowned cranes and peacocks live in a unique aviary. The main attraction is the 65—meter "One Sky" Ferris wheel, which operates 365 days a year, so you can enjoy the urban landscapes in any season. One of the symbols of the city is also installed here — the memorial to the Liberators of Rostov. This is a monument to the Red Army soldiers who liberated the city.Rafting on the river
A great opportunity to get acquainted with the beauties of the Rostov region is to go rafting on the Don or its tributaries. Such an alloy will undoubtedly give a lot of impressions and positive emotions. Explore the most popular rafting routes and choose the one that suits you.- Rafting in Razdorskaya station: a one-day circular route through the beach surroundings of the Cossack village.
- Rostov-Azov rafting: a one-day route that is popular in the summer and autumn period.
- Rafting on the Seversky Donets: a two-day route with an overnight stay in shawls on the banks of the Seversky Donets River.
Pushkinskaya Street
Pushkinskaya is perhaps the main walking street in Rostov—on-Don, which runs through the entire city center. Various wonderful performances take place here: talented people come out to Pushkinskaya Street and surprise the townspeople with dancing, singing, playing musical instruments and much more. By the beginning of the 20th century, Pushkinskaya was considered the second main street after Bolshaya Sadovaya, and many nobles, merchants and industrialists built their mansions here. Among them, the house of publisher and philanthropist Nikolai Paramonov, the son of merchant E. Paramonov, is located on Pushkinskaya Street.Other hiking trails
Rostov-on-Don seems to be created for hiking, because there are so many green areas and a well-maintained embankment. There are many walking routes in Rostov besides those described above. All of them allow you to enjoy the sights of the city, views of the Don and at the same time a comfortable physical activity. Explore some of them:- The Rostov European route runs along the main street of the city of B.Sadovaya from Theater Square to Gorky Park.
- The Levberdon Restaurant Mile route is a walk along the Left Bank of the Don River from the Rostov Arena stadium.
Где остановиться в Ростове-на-Дону
Прекрасное местоположение отеля позволяет легко добраться до любой точки города. Отель идеально подойдет как для гостей, приезжающих в командировку и планирующих проведение бизнес мероприятий, так и для гостей проезжающих через город по пути на море.Комфортабельные номера
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан и кондитерская
Боулинг и бильярд
Местная кухня
Ростов-на-Дону — город самобытный, с южным колоритом, издавна славившийся своим гостеприимством и разнообразием гастрономических традиций. Донская кухня представляет собой очень интересный микс из кавказской, армянской, украинской, еврейской и азиатской кулинарных традиций. При посещении южной столицы России, обязательно попробуйте ароматную уху, солянку и окрошку, фаршированную рыбу и донскую селедку, раков и вяленую донскую рыбу, а также пахнущий дымком шашлык. Не оставьте без внимания всевозможные пироги, сладости и соленья, которые здесь чудо как хороши! Повара в Ростове-на-Дону демонстрируют всё разнообразие местной кухни, которая основывается на локальных продуктах и рецептах.Меню местной кухни
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