Discover Russia with AMAKS — Novy Urengoy
Новый Уренгой – это газовая столица России, ведь город вырос вокруг газодобывающего предприятия. Новый Уренгой совсем молодой город – основан в 1975 году. Преодолевая суровые природные условия и удаленность от центра, Новый Уренгой вырос из небольшого поселка в крупнейший город Ямало-Ненецкого АО с развитой инфраструктурой.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Новом Уренгое
The Sail Fountain in Novy Urengoy
The fountain, located in Friendship Park, was opened in 2005 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the city. A large number of residents came to this significant event. It is worth noting that this fountain was the first in Novy Urengoy.The uniqueness of the composition lies in the fact that in the summer it works like a fountain, delighting the residents of the city with freshness and beauty, and in winter you can see a beautiful light show on it, because the whole structure is decorated with luminous garlands, similar to drops of water.
Memorial of Memory
The Memorial of Memory can be called one of the most significant sights of Novy Urengoy. It is located on the square of the same name in the Student district. The Memorial Square is unique because this colossal composition perpetuates the memory of three generations of our courageous warriors. This is the memory of the veterans of the Holy Great Patriotic War, this is the memory of the soldiers who died in Afghanistan, this is the memory of the guys who laid down their heads in the performance of military duty in the fighting in Chechnya.The stele "The Arctic Circle"
Avid travelers should definitely visit the stele "Arctic Circle", because it is installed in the place where the Arctic Circle crosses the highway. The memorial sign is made in the form of a metal sphere, on the edge of which the inscription "arctic circle" is applied. This sign is not only a symbolic boundary of the Arctic circle, but also a place that people from different parts of the country strive for every year to take part in a motorcycle rally.Getting to the stele is an adventure, because it is located 130 km north of the city of Novy Urengoy.
Commemorative sign "Methane Molecule"
The commemorative sign "Methane Molecule" was unveiled on September 6, 2020 by the CEO of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC in the presence of the head of Novy Urengoy and the Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.The theme of the art object was not chosen by chance, because methane is the main component of natural gas, which has become a source of development and progress for Novy Urengoy.
The commemorative sign "Methane Molecule" symbolizes both a success story and a look into the future of the Russian gas industry.
Snow volleyball
Snow volleyball competitions have been held in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District since 2019. The first tournament in the autonomy was held by the Regional Volleyball Federation, it was on an urban scale.In 2022, snow volleyball in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District reached the next level. The VK Fakel Super League team is located in Novy Urengoy. During the season, the city hosts stages of the Super League, the Russian Cup, the Youth Cup, and Snow Volleyball tournaments. The competitions are held at the Viaduct multifunctional site. A volleyball Academy has been established in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District with the support of VK Fakel, which develops children's volleyball.
Outdoor sports
Clean Energy Square is a recreation area on Zakharenkova Street in Novy Urengoy. There are many walking and cycling paths, benches with canopies, and trails for roller skaters and skateboarders. The highlight of the square is its interesting small architectural forms.The VIADUCT sports ground is a multifunctional outdoor sports ground at 26th Congress of the CPSU. There are running and walking tracks, a street stage, children's playgrounds, a gym, a skate park, basketball, volleyball and hockey courts, a running/ski roller track.
Где остановиться в Новом Уренгое
Самый северный из всех объектов сети «AMAKS Hotels&Resorts». Единственный сетевой отель категории 3 звезды в городе Новый Уренгой. Отель расположен в центре города, вблизи ж/д вокзала, торговых, деловых и культурных объектов.Комфортабельные номера
Выгодные тарифы
Сытные завтраки
Кафе и бар
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск
Местная кухня
Главные источники пищи в рационе коренных народов Крайнего севера – мясо, рыба и ягоды. Именно эти продукты лежат в осное большинства традиционных рецептов, например:- Строганина - настроганная тонкими ломтиками мороженая рыба (или мясо), употребляемая в пищу в сыром виде.
- Оленина – вкусный и необычный деликатес, который смогут оценить истинные гурманы. Удивительно, но при термической обработке оленина не теряет своего первоначального размера, как говядина, свинина и другие виды мяса.
- Муксун - северная рыба, которая принадлежит к семейству лососевых и отличается изысканным вкусом. Муксун богат полинасыщенными кислотами, продлеващими жизнь практически всех клеток нашего организма.
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