Discover Russia with AMAKS — Novgorod the Great
Великий Новгород - один из древнейших городов России. Именно здесь началась история Государства Российского, даже названия центральных улочек хранят историю города. Некогда один из крупнейших европейских центров торговли и культуры, сегодня — это небольшой тихий городок, утопающий в зелени старинных яблонь и спокойствии монументальных храмов.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Новгороде Великом
The Novgorod Kremlin
The historical center of the city, an ensemble of monuments of the Novgorod Kremlin, deserves the attention of travelers.The Kremlin is one of the oldest in Russia, preserved despite the partial destruction of the walls. Today, a military passage and an observation deck on the Belfry are open to visitors.
The monument "The Millennium of Russia", a monument erected in 1862, is a sphere-state, around which 128 figures of outstanding personalities from the Millennia of the country's existence are placed.
Important: St. Sophia Cathedral is an active church, keep this in mind if you decide to visit it.
Yaroslavovo Dvorishche and Hanseatic Embankment
Yaroslavovo Dvorishche is a place of medieval trade, where there was a lively trade and merchants from all over Europe arrived in search of spices, furs and fragrant honey. Today there is a whole architectural complex located here: churches, cathedral, Gostiny Dvor arcade, Hanseatic fountain and promenade.The small square contains unique buildings that witness various milestones in the life of Veliky Novgorod. Yaroslavovo Dvorishche is an amazing place and very interesting to visit, especially since you can reach it along the renovated embankment directly from the main entrance to the Rossiya Hotel
Rurikovo Settlement
Veliky Novgorod is not called the Birthplace of Russia for nothing. It was here, at the mouth of the Volkhov River, 7 km from the city, that the residence of the first ruler of Russia, Prince Rurik, the founder of the Rurik dynasty, stood, invited by the Novgorodians "with a house and a squad" to rule these lands. During the excavations of the Settlement, amphorae made in the I—II millennia BC, fragments of painted Byzantine cups, Arab and Byzantine coins from the middle of the 9th century, and the skeleton of a small monkey, a pet of one of the inhabitants of the local area, were found.Nordic walking and running
One of the main advantages of AMAKS Russia is its location. The hotel is located in the historical center of the city, next to the central Kremlin Park and Yaroslav's Courtyard. This entire area is exclusively a pedestrian zone, which makes it possible for safe jogging or Nordic walking training. The route from the hotel, across the pedestrian bridge, around the Kremlin and back to the hotel is only 3.5 km. And in the warmer months, every Saturday morning, you can join organized running workouts around the Kremlin Wall for no reason.Sapsurfing
In a city that stands on a river near a lake, the popularity of sap boarding is quite naturally growing. Numerous Saps rentals are open all summer. River and stream walks are organized, often even themed! And how fascinating are evening walks under the rays of the setting sun? The popularity of this type of water sport lies in its simplicity and accessibility. A person with any level of training can swim on a fairly stable board (although at first glance you can't tell), and an experienced instructor will always come to the rescue of those who just want to try.Где остановиться в Новгороде Великом
АМАКС "Россия" находится всего в паре шагов от исторического центра города. Изюминка “номерного фонда” отеля - номера с видом на Новгородский Кремль и набережную реки Волхов, из которых слышен мелодичный колокольный перезвон Софийской Звонницы.Вид на Кремль
Достопримечательности рядом
Комфортабельные номера
Можно с питомцами
Местная кухня
Новгородская кухня — это, с одной стороны, блюда, характерные для всего региона – разная дичь, птица и рыба (немногие знают: раньше в озере Ильмень даже лосось водился!), северные ягоды – брусника, клюква, морошка, да корнеплоды – до появления на Руси заморского картофеля здесь запекали репу и брюкву. Не забудем и традиционные суточные «серые» щи из крошева, сульчины из ржаной муки с растопленным маслом.А еще – разнотравный мед, специи и пряности, которые в изобилии привозили в средневековый «ганзейский» Господин Великий Новгород на продажу со всей Европы.
Традиционные новгородские напитки, конечно, согреют зимой – пряный сбитень и хмельной мед, а квас – даст долгожданную прохладу и утолит жажду летом.
Меню местной кухни
Экскурсионные программы
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