Discover Russia with AMAKS — Kazan
Казань – столица Татарстана, крупный город, в котором издавна бок о бок жили татары, русские, чуваши, удмурты и другие народы России. Здесь очень тесно переплетены разнообразные религиозные и культурные традиции. Именно поэтому город, вольготно раскинувшийся на слиянии рек Казанки и Волги, обладает своим уникальным культурным кодом.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Казани
Hiking trails
One of the most popular hiking routes is the Kremlin – Kremlevskaya Embankment – Palace of Farmers – National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan – Uram Extreme Park – Gorky Park. All facilities are located near the Kremlin embankment, which allows you to enjoy the views of the city, get acquainted with the centuries-old history of the Republic and its main attractions in one day. This walking route is also convenient because there are convenient benches and cafes and restaurants along its entire length, where everyone can get acquainted with the national menu.Ushkova's House
The Ushkova House is a historical building in Kazan, built at the end of the 19th century. It is a unique example of eclectic architecture. It was built for merchant Agafya Ushkova and became an important element of the urban landscape. The facade of the building is decorated with elegant decorative elements, balconies and atrikas. Today, the house is a cultural heritage site and serves as a venue for exhibitions and various events. Inside, you can see the preserved elements of the authentic interior, which immerse you in the atmosphere of the past.Kremlin embankment
The Kremlin Embankment, which stretches along the Volga River, is one of the most popular recreation areas in Kazan. It harmoniously combines nature and the urban landscape, creating ideal conditions for walking and outdoor activities. There are photo zones, cafes and playgrounds on the embankment, as well as a bike path. The beautiful views of the Kremlin, as well as the Chalice Registry Office, attract tourists and locals. In the evening, the embankment turns into a romantic place thanks to bright lights and artistic lighting.Tugan Avylym
Tugan Avylym is a unique complex in Kazan dedicated to Tatar culture and traditions. It opens up the world of national life, architecture and art to visitors. Here you can stroll along the streets, stylized as a Tatar village of the XIX century, and admire the wooden houses, each of which tells its own story. There are craft workshops in Tugan Avylym, where master classes are held, as well as museums, galleries and cafes with traditional Tatar cuisine. This place is ideal for immersing yourself in the culture and atmosphere of Tatarstan.Kazan Kremlin
The Kazan Kremlin is the heart of the city of Kazan and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its history begins in the 13th century, and today it unites various architectural styles. The main gem is the Annunciation Cathedral, with its famous domes and frescoes. Suyumbike, a beautiful mosque with an elegant tower, is also unique. The Kremlin also houses the State Museum of Fine Arts and Monument Square, where you can see monuments to outstanding personalities. The Kremlin is not only a historical value, but also a cultural center that attracts tourists.Где остановиться в Казани
АМАКС Сафар-отель - это современный гостиничный комплекс, где гости найдут весь спектр услуг для комфортного проживания. Отель расположен в шаговой доступности от основных достопримечательностей города и в 5-ти минутах от метро «Козья слобода».Одна остановка до Кремля
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан и лобби-бар
Можно с питомцами
Местная кухня
Татарская национальная кухня славится разнообразием и уникальностью блюд, отражающих традиции и культуру народа. Основу составляют мука, мясо и молочные продукты. Популярные блюда эчпочмак — треугольные пирожки с мясом, беляш — жареные пирожки с фаршем. Супы, такие как шурпа и токмач, известны своим насыщенным вкусом. Еще стоит попробовать чак-чак — сладкие, обжаренные кусочки теста, пропитанные медовым сиропом, и талкыш-калеве - десерт в виде пирамидок небольшого размера с волокнистой структурой, насыщенных медом. Десерты — это символ всех праздников в республике. Татарская кухня отличается богатством вкусов и ароматов, привлекая гурманов и ценителей кулинарного искусства.Экскурсионные программы
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