Discover Russia from AMAKS — Izhevsk
Ижевск — это город с богатой историей, насчитывающей более 400 лет. В 1760 году здесь была основана первая оружейная фабрика в России, а в 1918 году Ижевск стал столицей Удмуртской автономной области. В разные периоды город называли иначе: Воткинск-Ижевск, Устинов и даже Карл-Либкнехт-Штадт! Ижевск - один из самых интересных и живописных городов России, сердце Удмуртии!
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Ижевске
Bike routes
Cycling 3 times a week is said to help reduce biological age and prolong youth. It's not surprising, because cycling brings solid health benefits: it reduces weight, tones the muscular system, strengthens the heart, and reduces stress levels.In the Udmurt Republic, the development of cycling is approached systematically. Competitions among professional athletes are regularly held at the level of the Cycling Federation. And for amateur cyclists in the republic, there are several bike routes of different distances and difficulty levels.
River rafting
Rafting is a popular type of outdoor activity in Udmurtia, because there are about 7000 rivers here. The largest of them are the Kama and its famous tributaries Votka, Vyatka, Izh, and Chusovaya. But it is no less interesting to explore the small rivers of Udmurtia.The 40 km long route along the Kilmez River runs from the village of Malye Siumsi to the village of Vishorki along the most beautiful sections of the river.
The 70 km long route can be followed along the Kyrykmas River in the southern part of Udmurtia. Rafting begins 70 km from Izhevsk on the bridge over the Kyrykmas River, and ends on the Izh River near the village of Kryndy in Tatarstan.
Hiking trails
Udmurtia is a real discovery for hiking enthusiasts! There are many events aimed at popularizing walking as a type of physical activity. For example, the main test of autumn is a mass walking tour at the Udmurt Skorokhod distance from 20 km to an extreme 200 km. This is not a competition, everyone is fighting only with themselves.Another event is the Circumnavigation of Udmurtia, where athletes can choose distances ranging from 3.5 km to 30 km.
Themed routes are also available: "Amazing Koltoma", "Green Route".
Ludorvay Museum-Reserve
The Ludorvay Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve is located in a picturesque corner of Udmurtia, in the village of Ludorvay.In the Ludorvay Museum-reserve, you can get acquainted with the culture and way of life of the Udmurt people, learn about the traditions and customs that have existed on this land since ancient times. In folk houses you will see how the Udmurts lived, what household items were used in everyday life, what folk crafts were. In the church, you can get acquainted with the religious traditions of the Udmurt people and learn about the history of Orthodoxy in the region.
Museum and exhibition complex of small arms named after M. T. Kalashnikov
In this museum, the history of weapons and technology is intertwined with the personal history of the famous designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. Here you will find more than 400 exhibits dedicated to various aspects of the arms industry, ranging from the first rifles and pistols to modern submachine guns and tanks.Visiting the museum, you will get acquainted with the life story of Mikhail Kalashnikov, his inventions and achievements, learn about how he created his weapons masterpieces, and what difficulties he had to overcome on the way to success.
Address: Izhevsk, Borodina str., 19
Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel
Izhevsk's first stone church was built on the site of an old wooden chapel in 1784. But soon the church was destroyed in a fire. The temple at this place was rebuilt several times using folk remedies. Since 1893, the workers of the Izhevsk factory began to transfer 1% of their salaries to the construction of the temple, and in 1897 the cathedral was built in the neo-Byzantine style. The destruction of the cathedral in 1937 became a tragic page in history.In 2007, the cathedral was completely restored, and now this majestic temple is an ornament of the city.
Address: Izhevsk, Karl Marx St., 220.
Где остановиться в Ижевске
Крупный гостиничный комплекс, расположенный на центральной площади города Ижевска, сочетает в себе прекрасное месторасположение, широкий спектр дополнительных услуг, приветливый персонал, а также высокий уровень сервиса.На центральной площади
Комфортабельные номера
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан Reader’s Pub
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск
Местная кухня
Удмуртская кухня очень разнообразная и вкусная! Основа удмуртской кухни – злаковые культуры, овощи и мясо диких животных.Главная гастроассоциация с Удмуртией – перепечи. Готовятся эти открытые пирожки перед сильно растопленной печью — отсюда и название блюда. Традиционно перепечи наполняются начинкой с яйцом, но современные виды начинок куда разнообразнее: от сыра и мяса до ягод.
Табани – лепёшки из кислого дрожжевого теста выпекаются так же, как и перепечи, на углях.
Пельнянь – традиционное удмуртское блюдо. В переводе с удмуртского пельнянь означает «хлебное ушко». Готовится из трёх видов мяса, а для придания начинке большей сочности «ушко» пельняня с одного края всегда оставляют открытым.
Экскурсионные программы
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