Discover Russia with AMAKS — Khabarovsk

Хабаровск – крупный город на Дальнем Востоке России, расположенный на берегу реки Амур. История города тесно связана с освоением Россией Дальнего Востока. И сегодня город не утратил своего геополитического значения и является важным экономическим центром региона. Кроме того, город славится своими парками и скверами, красивыми набережными, памятниками и культурными достопримечательностями.

Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Хабаровске

Nevelsky Embankment and Amur Cliff

Admiral Nevelsky Embankment on the Amur River is one of the busiest places in the city. It is named after Admiral Gennady Nevelsky, a researcher of the Far East. This place is popular for walking, cycling, roller skating and skateboarding. Nearby there is a beach and a small pier, from where you can go on a pleasure cruise along the Amur River in the warmer months.
The Amur Cliff is located on the embankment. This is a special place: couples in love traditionally come here, and newlyweds come to plant a sapling here – a symbol of their marriage.

Amur Bridge

The Amur Miracle is called the bridge over the Amur River, one of the largest bridges in Russia. It is 2.6 km long, 60 meters high, and took 17,800 tons of metal to build. The bridge is so remarkable that it has been immortalized on the five thousandth bill of the Russian ruble.
The construction of the bridge took place during the First World War, but despite this, the bridge became a real technical miracle of its time. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the bridge underwent several major reconstructions, however, one of the old 127-meter trusses can now be seen in the Amur Bridge History Museum.

The Grodek Museum

The Grodekovsky Museum is the largest regional museum in the Far East. The museum was opened in 1894 thanks to the efforts of the local intelligentsia and the city administration. To date, his collection includes more than 500,000 exhibits related to the history, culture and nature of the region. Here you can get acquainted with the subjects that tell the story of the development of the eastern outskirts of the Eurasian continent, the formation of the material and spiritual culture of the local population, the appearance of Russians in the Amur region, the development of agriculture and industrial production.

Sikachi Alyan

The national village of Sikachi Alyan, picturesquely sprawled on the banks of the Amur River, is interesting for its petroglyphs – drawings on the stones. One of the oldest such drawings is about 9 thousand years old. The stones usually depict shamanic masks, animals, hunting and fishing scenes. Upon arrival in Sikachi Alyan, you will be greeted by representatives of the Nanai community. They will perform a purification ceremony and treat you to a meal of traditional cuisine – Far Eastern fish soup, white fish dumplings, taiga berry juice. It takes about an hour to get to Sikachi Alyan from Khabarovsk.

Bike routes

Cycling is a great way to explore the city. In Khabarovsk, all conditions are created for cyclists - there are several convenient routes of different lengths - it's easy to choose the right one.
The Park is a great place for cycling. Muravyov-Amursky. It is picturesquely located on the Amur embankment. Long-distance enthusiasts can continue their walk along Amursky or Ussuriysky Boulevard and finish it in Dynamo Park, where it is pleasant to ride along the landscaped city ponds.
A full circle along the route will be about 10 km.

River rafting

The amazing nature of the Khabarovsk Territory opens up great opportunities for lovers of water travel. There are rivers that flow between picturesque cliffs and wooded hills. They are ideal for lovers of non-extreme alloys. It takes up to several days to complete the routes, during which you will slowly go downstream, enjoying the beautiful views along the way. For example, rafting on the Anyui or Sukpai rivers will open up views of the Far Eastern taiga from the water, allow you to disconnect from civilization and immerse yourself in the contemplation of nature.

Где остановиться в Хабаровске

АМАКС Конгресс-отель расположен в динамичном центре делвовй и културной жизни города вблизи от основных достопримечательностей. Именно поэтому отель прекрасно подойдет как для семейного отдыха, так и для деловых поездок.

АМАКС Конгресс-отель

Комфортабельные номера
Выгодные тарифы
Сытные завтраки
Ресторан и бар
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск

Местная кухня

Хабаровский край омывается двумя морями - Японским и Охотским. Поэтому гастрономический туризм в Хабаровске начинается с морепродуктов: крабы, мидии, гребешки, трепанги – деликатесы местной кухни.
Помимо даров моря, местная кухня включает множество полезных съедобных таёжных растений - актинидия, лимонник, черемша, кедровый орех, папоротник, различные грибы и ягоды.
В Хабаровске нужно обязательно попробовать «Рыбный паштет Такса» — это настоящее наслаждение! Также советуем отведать дальневосточную вариацию на тему традиционного блюда – «Борщ с морской капустой». Любителей сладкого порадуют пирожки с брусникой и голубикой или экзотический шоколад с морскими водорослями и морской солью.

Экскурсионные программы

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