Discover Russia from AMAKS — Essentuki
Кавказские Минеральные Воды – один и самых привлекательных для отдыха регионов России. Это достаточно многонациональный регион. Туристы могут здесь наслаждаться панорамными видами гор. О целебные природные факторы этого региона славятся не только в России, но и во всем мире.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Ессентуках
There are several routes for trained tourists in the CMS region. Many of them require special training and special shoes, but, for example, the route to Mount Mashuk is suitable for beginners.Mashuk towers almost 1,000 meters above Pyatigorsk and is a good viewing point. Tourists start from the lower station "kanatki". Then the road to the top follows a serpentine path - about 5 kilometers with an altitude of 350 meters, with a comfortable asphalt surface on the serpentine. If you want to take a shortcut, there are suitable paths.
Walking routes
The terrancours in Yessentuki are arranged using the rugged terrain of the medical park. Each of the 3 circular routes starts and ends at the pavilion of therapeutic gymnastics, passes near mineral springs and balneotherapy clinics.Route No. 1 is the least stressful, with a length of 1,870 m, the angles of ascent and inclines within 4-9 °.
Route No. 2 is an average load, with a length of 2,600 m, and angles of ascent and incline of 4-11°.
Route No. 3 is 2,400 m long. To increase the load when walking, stairs and descents with a steepness of up to 30 ° are used.
Kislovodsk National Park
Kislovodsk National Park is the largest urban park in Europe. Its area is 966 hectares. The park was founded in 1823 and was created almost manually on the slopes of hills and mountains. Plants were specially imported here, so the flora of the park is quite rich. The park has its own Rose Valley, where there are flower beds with roses of all possible types and shades on a huge area.The combination of mountain air with an abundance of coniferous plants makes walking in the park an obligatory therapeutic procedure for those who want to improve their health.
Koltso Mountain
Borgustan ridge runs north from Kislovodsk, not far from the outskirts of the city. Mount Koltso is a promontory of one of the spurs of the ridge. Since the mountain range consists of loose sandstone, the rocks are prone to weathering. As a result, several caves and cavities have formed on the top of Koltso Mountain, one of them is through. It was this ring-shaped through-hole that gave the whole mountain its name.There are many legends and mystical stories associated with the mountain. The mountain is also mentioned in literary works, including the novel "The Hero of Our Time."
In Lermontov's places
Pyatigorsk is a city closely associated with Lermontov. Here you can make a walking route to the places of the poet's life. You can start from Lermontov Square, where there is a bronze monument. Next, you can go to the museum "Lermontov's House". The museum is the most visited in Pyatigorsk. Mikhail Yurievich spent the last few months of his life here. The poet's body was also brought here after the duel. A memorial stele has been erected at the site of the poet's duel and death at the foot of Mount Mashuk. Here, in the dense shade of the trees, you can bow your head and pay tribute to the memory of the great poet.Mud baths
The Kavminvod region began to enjoy popularity in the early 19th century. Among the aristocracy, it became prestigious to go "to the waters" in the Caucasus. In 1895, the Nikolaevsky baths were built, and later, in 1915, the Alekseevskaya mud clinic. The hospitals were named after members of the family of the House of Romanov, Emperor Nicholas II and his son Tsarevich Alexei. Both buildings are magnificent examples of architecture.Today, the hospitals are fully operational. The mud of Lake Tambukan and the mineral waters of the region are used for therapeutic purposes.
Где остановиться в Ессентуках
Расположенный в живописном городе Ессентуки, в центре курортной зоны, санаторий предлагает различные виды лечения и профилактики. Курорт знаменит своими минеральными водами и лечебными грязями. Также в "Шахтёре" гостей ждут комфортабельные номера, ресторан с разнообразной кухней и возможности для активного отдыха.Комфортабельные номера
Ресторан и лобби-бар
Лечебное отделение
Тренажерные залы
Ухоженная территория
Детские площадки
Местная кухня
Местная кухня порадует вас разнообразием и насыщенностью вкусов, отражающих многовековые традиции нашего края. Каждое блюдо — это кулинарная история.Начнем с Лагмана, который согреет душу и тело, и целебной шорпы. Для любителей выпечки у нас есть Хычины — традиционные балкарские и карачаевские пироги, которые можно запечь или пожарить до золотистой корочки.
Любители мяса найдут для себя сытные пистолеты и яблочки (реберная часть баранины), а также шашлыки, хинкали и хинкал. Местные люляшки (люля-кебаб) в картофельном, мясном, грибном и сырном вариантах, а также галушки, которые удивят ценителей чеченской кухни.
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