Discover Russia from AMAKS — Azov
Город Азов не расположен на берегу Азовского моря, как можно подумать. Крепость Азов была основана в нижнем течении реки примерно в 20 км от устья. Задачей крепости была оборона земель русских князей от набегов кочевников. Земля имеет богатую историю. Сегодня это крупный промышленный и логистический центр страны.
Что посмотреть и чем заняться в Азове
The rampart
The fortress, founded in 1475, served as a reliable protection for the inhabitants of the city from attacks by nomads and enemy armies. Today, the rampart is one of the main attractions of Azov. This place immerses in the atmosphere of antiquity and gives you a lot of interesting information about the history of the city and its inhabitants. Walking along the rampart, you can see many interesting objects - from ancient towers and fortress gates to various archaeological finds. But the most impressive thing here is the view of the Don, the steppes and the Port of Azov, which opens from the height of the rampart.And who knows what secrets and secrets this ancient rampart hides? Maybe you can learn something new and interesting about its history and get into the spirit of antiquity and mystery that envelop this place.
Адрес: Азов, Пролетарский спуск, 18
The Azov Historical and Archaeological Museum
It is here that you will immerse yourself in the history and culture of this unique region. Located in the heart of the city, the museum is a real gem for all lovers of history and local lore.At the entrance to the museum, visitors are greeted by an ancient castle, which has been restored and has become part of the exhibition. Inside the museum you can see various exhibits reflecting the life and traditions of local residents: costumes, jewelry, ceramics, tools and much more. The exposition dedicated to the ancient Greek colonists who settled in Azov back in the 5th century BC is particularly interesting. But perhaps the most remarkable exhibit of the museum is the four–meter skeleton of a trogontherium elephant, found during excavations in this region.
In addition, the museum holds various events and exhibitions that allow visitors to immerse themselves more deeply into the history and culture of the locals. For example, here you can participate in workshops on making traditional dolls and jewelry, or take part in excursions dedicated to the architectural monuments of Azov.
Адрес: г. Азов, ул. Московская, 38/40
Powder magazine
Monument of military engineering art of the end of the XVIII century. Inside the cellar you can see a huge number of exhibits that testify to the rich history of the city of Azov. Here you will find many interesting items such as antique weapons, documents, paintings, photographs, and more.One of the most impressive exhibits is an antique cannon that was used during the siege of the city by Turkish troops. In addition, the cellar has a variety of interactive exhibits and game areas where you can feel like a real warrior or captain of a ship.
Адрес: Азов, ул. Лермонтова, 6
Rafting, rowing and sailing
The AMAKS Azov Hotel is located just a few meters from the river, which gives a huge bonus to all lovers of water sports, as well as outdoor activities on the river!Sailing is an Olympic sport in which participants cover distances on the water using sailing equipment. The first recorded sailing races took place back in the 17th century in England. And since 1896, sailing has become one of the Olympic disciplines.
Kayaking and canoeing have been developing for many years as a type of water tourism. Kayaking was a kind of outdoor activity. It is a separate world, with its own philosophy and special traditions. Both sports are extremely popular in our city. In Azov, they not only teach, but also hold spectacular competitions!
And those who appreciate an unusual and interesting holiday will surely enjoy surfing!
Где остановиться в Азове
Одно из главных преимуществ АМАКС Отеля Азов - идеальное месторасположение. Отель находится в самом центре города, в шаговой доступности от основных достопримечательностей и всей необходимой инфраструктуры.Достопримечательности рядом
Выгодные тарифы
Сытные завтраки
Можно с питомцами
Сувенирный киоск
Местная кухня
Донской край с легкостью может похвастаться изобилием блюд из рыбы! Судак, лещ, донская сельдь и многое другие. Все это жители региона очень любят жарить, солить, запекать и заливать маринадом. Нельзя обойти стороной и знаменитых раков, без которых сложно представить любое застолье. Не отказывайте себе в удовольствии попробовать донской курник. Этот многослойный пирог, состоящий из нескольких видов начинки, не оставит никого равнодушным. Важной частью стола являются также пироги с капустой и икрой, сезонными фруктами и ягодами! Особым угощением станут пирожки с сузьмой (творогом из топлёного молока). Очень любят местные жители квашенные в бочках арбузы, сливы и капусту с яблоками.Экскурсионные программы
Мы собрали для вас классные экскурсии! Хотите посетить Крепостной Вал или Азовский историко-археологический музей? Обращайтесь на ресепшн отеля и администратор подскажет вам, как забронировать экскурсию.Найдите их по тегу #места_амаксазов